Ptosis is the medical term for a droopy eyelid. The upper eyelid edge falls from his normal position.

Ectropion is the medical term for an eyelid that turns outward. It can be caused by the downward sagging of an eyelid due to aging.

Entropion is the medical term for an eyelid that turns inward. It can be caused by the loosening of tissues of the lower eyelid, eyelid muscle spasm, or scarring.

Eyelid Retraction
The upper and lower eyelids are unable to close completely due to paralysis of the muscle that closes the eye.

Eyelid Tumors
Like any skin in the body, the eyelid skin can be affected by skin cancer. Skin cancer can also affect the corners of the eyelid and eye brow region.

What is Lacrimal Surgery?
Each time you blink, the eyelid spreads the tears over the surface of the eye and pumps the excess tears into a duct that drains into your nose.

What are Facial Spasm?
Essential Blepharospasm and Hemifacial Spasm are two conditions that can lead to debilitating spasms of the facial muscles that can cause the eyelids to spasm closed.

Over time, the upper and lower eyelids can appear droopy or baggy. This is due to excessive skin and the bulging of fat pads that naturally surround and cushion your eye.

Cosmetic Injections
Cosmetic Injections are used to soften or eliminate wrinkles of the face, and to smooth away fine lines and add volume to the cheeks and lips.